Design of highly efficient sgRNA libraries for CRISPRn screens
The design of sgRNAs for CRISPRn, CRISPRi and CRISPRa is a crucial factor determining the success of CRISPR screening experiments. Myllia´s proprietary sgRNA design algorithm selects highly active sgRNA sequences for targeting both essential and non-essential genes and appears to be “superior” to other publicly available libraries.
Myllia´s sgRNA design algorithm selects highly active sgRNA sequences for targeting both essential and non-essential genes and appears to be “superior” to other publicly available libraries.
Essentially, we have performed CRISPR screens to target essential and non-essential genes using two different read-outs to validate the high activity Myllia’s sgRNA designs:
– Dropout screen based on essentiality targeting 24 genes
– FACS-based screen with a CD59 receptor read-out targeting 9 genes
We will expand the screening campaign to target additional non-essential genes that may help further improve sgRNA design and increase editing rates. Submit your credentials below and download the full CRISPRn sgRNA design slide deck highlighting all relevant results for the dropout and FACS-based screens!